Monday, May 23, 2011

Use Common Sense!

I have a great friend who termed the phrase PCS which stands for Professional Common Sense. When the Rockettes would ask questions like “what happens if the elevator breaks on the sit down drill?” She would say PCS gals-Use your professional common sense. In this case it probably meant something simple like SAFETY FIRST.

Today's note is USE COMMON SENSE! When you are on stage there are a number of unknown variables that can take place. And, it’s not always easy to navigate the right choice at a moment’s notice. I remember once during a show that a Rockette did not make it out during the Ragdoll number. We were not going to be able to spell MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR with our blocks unless we had all 36 Rockettes. A very smart swing jumped into costume and grabbed her box at the end of the number so that we could spell correctly. There wasn’t time for the choreographer or director to make that call but she used her common sense for the good of the show.

If you make a habit of using common sense you will show those around you that you have a mind of your own and are willing to make choices based on your larger body of knowledge. Directors and choreographers are happy to find out that not only can you dance but that you THINK!


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